Tuesday, January 17, 2012


For this project I decided to do a scrapbook of my niece Lexi because she is so adorable. I took these pictures on the Monticello trail.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Birth of Venus

For this project I learned a few new techniques that make life so much easier.I learned how to record a pattern then repeat it which saves tons of time. this project was frustrating at times but in the end it felt so great to have made something cool.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Vintage Photo

I took a modern day picture and edited it until it had a sorta vintage type feel. I Started off trying to make it look old but then somehow it turned out like this and i liked it so much that I couldn't get rid of it.

Playing with lights

Using long shutter speeds and glow sticks I drew these random creatures while in complete darkness. This was a very fun project and i would love to do it again sometime.

Picture Worth 1000 words

For this we took a picture of ourselfs and added text words to it. But instead of typing the words one by one you make it into a stamp and it makes the picture have a cool text type feel to it.

filling the frame

For this Project we took pictures using the technique of filling the entire screen with the photograph that you are taking. I made my filling the frames fit together by using nature as the subject.


For this project we took pictures of things we were thankful for. I decided that my grandpa or ''poppy" was what I was thankful for.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Downtown Mall

                                                               Fav Paramount
Fav Jefferson
3 favorites

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Salon Drunkenya
We took a trip Downtown this fall and went many places. We took pictures in the Paramount Theater,in the Jefferson Theater, and some other places downtown. then using the pictures we had taken we had to make a T-shirt design and a poster. I did mine on Salon Drunknya.


I used multiple versions of one picture and used the animation bar in Photoshop hiding and showing different ones to make it animated. I used a picture of my friend Ana and turned her face into a skeleton.

Warm Colors

Warm colors are colors like red orange and yellow. When shooting for warm colors you try and focus on those colors as the theme of your picture. Warm colors show up a lot in the fall with the changing colors of the leaves.I had fun shooting this project.

Word and Brush

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I created my watermark by combining my initials and playing around with them till I liked how they looked. Watermarks basically just put a stamp on your photo that says it's yours. It discourages people from stealing your photo!

Jerry Uelsmann

Jerry Uelsmann is famous photographer that would take images and then in the dark room he would layer his negatives and it would make it look like it was edited. I replicated his piece of work show above by taking multiple pictures and finding a few then combining them to recreate something that looked like his original piece.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Carters mountain










For this Project I edited my Carters Mountain Photos in Camera raw using the Target adjustment tool and the adjustment brush to add the wanted effectts that make certain things pop out.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spooky Image

For this project I didn't follow any tutorials I just played around with my ideas.This project was much easier this year than last because my skills with using the tools have improved so it is easier to do what I want in less time.


I showed movement of line by taking the photos in a manor that leads your eye through the picture with a line of some sort.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Create your own

        I chose this project because when I was going through Photoshop tutorials this one really caught my eye. while making this project I learned better use the magnetic lasso tool, which I hadn't ever really liked before this project! 

Friday, September 16, 2011


For this project we took "random" photos using different subjects/themes then edited them in camera raw. some of my favorite things to shoot were black and white, animal/pet, nature,macro,and time lapsed.